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Changes to academy investments

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 3:04 am
by FTP-ashario
One of the most misunderstood features in the game is the academy investment model. At the end of this season, during the normal end of season updates, some changes are being made to academies in an effort to somewhat demystify them

Changes are as follows
- Academy levels will no longer have sublevels
- You will be able to instantly upgrade your academy by one whole level by clicking on the 'Upgrade' button on the academies page. An upgrade fee equal to three times the current weekly academy maintenance fee will be charged.
- You will be able to instantly downgrade your academy by one whole level by clicking on the 'Downgrade' button on the academies page. When doing this you will receive a refund of one and a half times the current weekly academy maintenance fee
- After an upgrade or downgrade, an academy cannot be upgraded or downgraded again for at least 7 days
- Academy level descriptions are to be replaced by numbers (ie Level 10 instead of deluxe)
- If a team goes into debt, academy investments are no longer automatically set back to 0
- Managers will no longer be able to manually modify weekly academy investment amounts. These amounts will instead be calculated by the game based on your current academy level. Academy maintenance costs effectively end up being handled like wages and ground maintenance - costs charged up front at the start of the financial week that cannot be altered by the manager (unless they upgrade/downgrade their academy).

As an example, let us assume the weekly maintenance cost for a satisfactory academy is 20K

- The weekly cost to maintain a reasonable academy would be roughly 13K
- the weekly cost to maintain a good academy would be roughly 28K
- the weekly cost to maintain a deluxe academy would be roughly 80K

- the cost for an instant upgrade from reasonable to satisfactory is 3 x the weekly cost to maintain a satisfactory academy level = 3 x 20K = 60K
- the cost for an instant upgrade from satisfactory to good is 3 x the weekly cost to maintain a good academy level = 3 x 28K = 84K

After each financial update, a new academy investment average is calculated based on the average academy level for all human controlled clubs. If the average is higher than satisfactory, the weekly maintenance cost (and also upgrade costs) increases. If the average is lower, maintenance and upgrade costs decrease. The amount costs vary equates to $5K for every level above satisfactory.

For example, if the average academy level shifts from satisfactory to good (one level higher), the cost to maintain a satisfactory academy would change from 30K to 35K. Maintenance costs at all other levels would increase by the same proportion (eg deluxe would increase from 120K to 140K). If the average academy level shifts to 10% of the way to good, the the cost to maintain a satisfactory academy would change from 30K to 30,500

When this change is implemented, during the standard end of season updates, academy levels between X and X.95 will be rounded down to the nearest whole level. Academies between X.951 and X.999 will be rounded up to the nearest whole level.