Information regarding what is expected of people using the forums.
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Joined: Fri Jan 04, 2008 6:17 am
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Post by GM-crowfan65 » Fri Mar 24, 2017 2:22 pm

In recent times there has been an increase in the use of bad language in the forums
Now we all have our own interpretation of what level is acceptable but as we are trying to run a G rated environment not a PG or MA rate one. We have several younger members and also those members who don't think any bad language is acceptable.

Examples of such include
Words sh*t, cr*p or p*ss spelled with or without asterisks is unacceptable
Any swear word that you think by using asterisks makes it ok, is unacceptable
Any swear words that you use the acronym like ffs or bs is unacceptable
Whether it is directed at someone or just used as an adjective, verb or noun it is unacceptable

We all get frustrated or lose our temper but there is absolutely no need to laced it with words that have always been unacceptable but we have tried to be nice by just deleting them or sending a quick msg to those who have infringed slightly. Unfortunately that has not worked on some members and that is why we have decided to post this as a friendly warning.

We will issue one warning with a direction to this post as a benefit of the doubt for those that may have missed it
But one the second warning we will issue bans on 1 day, increasing by one day for every subsequent discretion

So we are asking for everyone to think before they post so that this forum is a nicer place to visit.

The topic is open at this stage, lets try not to get it locked
Master Crowfan of the Blessed Spreadsheet

GarageTM Foundation Member
