Changes to Admin

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Changes to Admin

Post by GM-crowfan65 » Sat Jan 30, 2021 6:17 am

In further changes to the Admin team, James018 has agreed to step into the General Admin role to alleviate my workload to allow me to spend my time on bigger projects but also provide backup in the case of illness etc.
James has played the game since the early days and brings a wealth of experience in admin/modding for other sites.

Please welcome GA-James018, he is a great addition to the team

In further news I would like to thank vaibhav and beecee8 for their many years of service to the game, both having modded for many seasons and have been well liked by the different sections of the game. Its people like them that have helped the game continue especially in the tough times from 18 months ago.

Thanks vaibhav and beecee8
Master Crowfan of the Blessed Spreadsheet

GarageTM Foundation Member

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