FTP Management team S42 and beyond.

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FTP Management team S42 and beyond.

Post by GM-crowfan65 » Fri Sep 06, 2019 9:23 am

As mentioned in an earlier announcement, FTP will be managed with the support of a team to ensure the game is not left to be run, operated and managed by one person.
The management team that I have comprised has been built with keeping the best interests of FTP in mind, whilst utilizing the strengths of various members of the FTP community to help drive FTP into a bigger and stronger future.
Please meet the new management team and the roles they will be filling.

Managing Director – MD-Summit (Luke)
Summit comes to the team with a strong personal background in business development and management. He has already shown his clear and obvious strength in his ability to develop structures and solid foundations for FTP to move forward.
Summit will operate as an advisor to each member of the management team as well as working on the development of FTP.
Summit will also be responsible for the general game management in my absence.

Coding Manager – CM-Brusing Archer
BrusingArcher has joined the team with a coding background and was the behind the scenes person in charge of running the EOS updates successfully!
You can also thank him for implementing the wage fix from last season as well :wink:
BA will be the leader and manager of the soon to be developed coding team. He will be in charge of all facets of the game based in and around EOS runs, updates, bug fixes and anything to do with the coding and/or technical changes to the game.

Game Administration – GA-Damage & GA-Jimblack
Jim will be having a change to his official role within FTP from MOD to GA
Damage & Jimblack will have a focus on the administration side of FTP. So anytime you make a bug report, commentary change, name change or one of those overinflated transfers :angry: they’ll be watching and monitoring.
Damage & Jimblack will also both be involved in the development of FTP.

Forum Moderators – Beecee8, DanAndrew, WMChamps, Vaibhav & offstagefrog
I am happy to announce that all forum moderators will be staying on in their role with Dan temporarily providing assistance when required to the coding team
All moderators provide different levels of experience and engagement but overall have a similar understanding of what the role will require.
Offstagefrog will also be joining the team to help keep control of the forums.
As per normal they will be tasked with ensuring the forums agenda is maintained and followed in the best interests of the game whilst monitoring any anti social or disrespectful behaviour.
Master Crowfan of the Blessed Spreadsheet

GarageTM Foundation Member

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