More A Reflection then announcement

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More A Reflection then announcement

Post by GM-crowfan65 » Sun Jun 07, 2020 4:12 am

Tomorrow, Monday June 8th, it will be a year since Ash passed. The news was devastating not only to me but also to many in the FTP community. I remember sitting back stunned, not sure what to feel. The following days were very emotional as I came to terms with it before announcing to the rest of FTP what had happened.

In the ensuing months after many conversations with his widow Kelli, I was lucky enough to be able to take over the reins of FTP. In many ways a dream come true but in no doubt the worse possible circumstances. Of course what I dealt with, we dealt with, was pale in comparison to what Kelli and his kids were going through. I haven't spoken to her recently but I really want her to be able to move on. In a month or so I will send her an update just so she knows how the game is doing and that will hopefully put a smile on her face.

As for FTP we, the whole team, keep working on improving and fixing those things in the game. Hopefully driving it onwards to being the best it can be. We will make mistakes, we aren't perfect, but in some small way I hope that Ash is looking down on us, smiling with pride at what he started. A game which has brought us all here; to enjoy, to meet new people, make some new friends, bitch and moan about :wink: but at the same time just love to play.

Vale FTP-Ashario (Matt Krevs), a true gentleman and a good bloke

p.s. I am sure if I could ask him how we are doing, he would simply smile and say "Good Question"
Master Crowfan of the Blessed Spreadsheet

GarageTM Foundation Member

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