Nat Managers Strike Policy

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Nat Managers Strike Policy

Post by GM-crowfan65 » Fri Feb 16, 2024 9:42 am

In recent times the non- selection of touring parties and setting of Match orders has been disconcerting.
So as part of the Nat Managers Code of Conduct we will be incorporating a strike policy for not completing your duties to the level required.
If you leave something to your assistants then it is still deemed to be your duty to ensure things are done.
If you have to step away for a week and know beforehand then please advise your assistants and the admin team.
If you get to 7 strikes then we will step in to make sure tasks are completed for the rest of your tenure, at which point you will not be able to stand again for the next tenure.
Strikes are a rolling 2 season total at this stage.
In the future the number will be reduced to 5 once we see the system is working as intended.

The Current list of Strikes
Non Selection of tour squads - 2 strikes
Removing or adding a player to the squad to manipulate the price on the TM - 2 strikes
Missing a competitive match orders - 1 strike
No assistants for 14 days - 1 strike
Missing orders for 2 friendlies in a row - 1 strike

We reserve the right to amend as we see fit, they will be added to the code of conduct which will be updated and enforced.
Master Crowfan of the Blessed Spreadsheet

GarageTM Foundation Member

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