Suicidal Running on the Final Ball(s)

How can we improve the game? Please post your ideas here.
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Suicidal Running on the Final Ball(s)

Post by OldChelmsfordian » Wed Apr 24, 2024 11:25 am

Simple suggestion really - I lost a game on the final ball yesterday where my batsmen didn't attempt to run a single.

I assume the match engine has no way of differentiating between a dot ball that went harmlessly through to the keeper, vs a ball that my batsmen has smacked straight at a fielder on the edge of the circle, but it struck me as a bit strange that needing one run to tie and two to win, my batsmen didn't even attempt a suicidal single (especially as in the context of the game, the only thing that stopped me winning was great fielding triggering, where you'd assume they'd be sprinting for a quick single).

So I'd suggest a hopefully simple solution - the chance of quick singles (or singles turning into twos etc) increases in the latter overs, and on the final few balls (if the scores are very tight) batsmen will be more than willing to run very aggressively. Naturally the chances of run outs should increase proportionally to this to make things fair on all parties.

May need to write a few new lines of commentary to reflect these changes, which I'd gladly assist with if helpful.

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Re: Suicidal Running on the Final Ball(s)

Post by Madcarrot » Wed Apr 24, 2024 10:30 pm

They do do this quite a lot in the game.

But yeah even if it went cleanly to the keeper I'm still running so yeah if ifs 1 required I think it should guarantee a runout check even if the probability is quite small.
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